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We are a group of scientists, practitioners and universities united by a passionate commitment; contribute to Colombian and world peace through science. We believe in the potential for growth and positive transformation in the aftermath of conflict, and that science has an important role to play not only to facilitate recovery, but also to prevent future hostilities and lay the foundations for sustainable peace. The Science for Peace project is the result of this shared vision and is led in Colombia by the Florecer Institute.

Under the scientific direction of Professor Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, co-creator of the science of positive psychology, and the participation of the world leading experts of the science of well being, character, and related disciplines, Science for Peace offers the opportunity to develop what could be one of the greatest studies in human history. We hope you consider joining us in this worthwhile goal of bringing light to one of humanity's major problems: the use of violence to resolve conflicts.


What makes our project truly unique is that unlike other initiatives that also share the passion and commitment to peacemaking, we offer an innovative approach, a scientific method, and solid scientific careers that allow us to design, develop and implement evidence based programs in key segments of the population.



New and revolutionary approach to positive social transformation.

Positive psychology is an umbrella term that encompasses all of the latest psychological and scientific developments that facilitate peace outcomes at the individual, group and social levels.


The world's leading scholars and practitioners united for Colombian and world peace.

The only way to get positive results in the application of a new field is by working hand in hand with its creators and developers, so that all learning collected over solid scientific careers is put to good use.


A step by step, rigorous and systematic approach for concrete and measurable results.

We design and implement programs with sophisticated evidence-based tools that allow for the design, development, proper implementation and the monitoring of results.


A global community with passionate commitment towards peace.

Positive psychology is the fastest growing branch in psychology, with countless individuals from all over the world who have benefited from it. With is founder as scientific leader, the project has the potential of reaching and uniting millions of people towards the attainment of a worthwhile purpose.



The project intends to pursue a program of separate but complementary research studies, and to implement interventions focused on education and the general public based on new technological means of communication.



A happy, fulfilling and productive life in the aftermath of trauma is possible.

Can survivors enjoy life and have greater well being after experiencing the horrors of war? Can they grow from trauma? can they forgive and have hope for the future? what are the consequences of unforgiveness? and why does this matter anyway? The latests official reports about the psychological damage of victims in Colombia show that only 15% of them feel they have successfully reincorporated to their work life after the traumatic experience. An ample body of research shows the effectiveness of evidence based interventions aimed at facilitating these outcomes. In a country with over 8 million victims, the development and implementation of evidence based programs that facilitate these processes is desperately needed; it would save vast costs to the health system, and set the foundations for societal flourishing. This should be one of the main priorities of a public agenda that aims at building long lasting and sustainable peace.



From the battlefield to the good life

Can former rebels become consciously committed, creative agents of the better future of Colombia? Can they develop trust in the institutions of civil society? Perhaps the most urgent application of Positive Psychology and related disciplines to the current situation in Colombia is in helping achieve the social reintegration of the guerrilla fighters into civil society.

Members of illegal groups need high quality psychological training if they are to adapt in the highly polarized society that awaits them. The design and development of empirically based programs can facilitate that they not only adapt, but also find happiness and fulfillment in their new lives; an absolute necessity for the successful transition towards peace. Furthermore, studying the psychological effects of violence of the members of the illegal groups formerly involved in the conflict can create less conflict producing policies, develop procedures for the peaceful welcoming of former combatants, inform government institutions, keep individuals from resorting to violence.



Educating for character and virtue is the key to Colombia’s present and future peace

We see education, as the greatest opportunity to make a positive impact on the present and the future of Colombia. Young people's perspectives, attitudes, habits and mentalities, are firstly constructed during childhood and adolescence. Positive and character education combine the science of positive psychology with best learning practices to make the best of students, schools and communities. The goal is to help children and youth to break generational patterns and become ethical leaders committed to building a better world for all.

Teaching character and virtue is key for children to grow into positive change agents who not only know what the right thing to do is, but are capable of translating that knowledge into action. The extensive work undertaken in the field of character and positive education in the past years put values and virtues into practice with evidence based curriculums that hold the key to colombian and world peace.



After half a century of heroism, It’s time to take care of those who take care of us

Members of the Colombian army have been fighting to protect its people for over half a century, putting their lives constantly at risk for their fellow citizens; it’s time put more attention into their psychological needs and well being. Research shows that veterans and members of the army who have been exposed to violence and conflict often experience high levels of post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological problems that negatively impact their health and well being. Soldiers who have been exposed to conflict and violence deserve to receive evidence based intervention programs that help them grow from trauma, enjoy greater well being and live happy and fulfilling lives.



Peace begins within each of us.

Despite the conflict’s thousands of victims, Colombians live alienated from the search of conflict solutions. People do not usually understand that peace begins inside them, and that if we want a peaceful country , the change that will make the difference will not just be the one that those directly involved in the conflict do, but the one that all of the Colombians make.
For this reason, the science of wellbeing and happiness has personalized methodologies, so that every person can heal and thus contribute to their own peace and success of the social fabric of our country.


Team members of the Science for Peace project are world renowned scholars and practitioners acclaimed for their experience in the design and implementation of evidence based strategies.

Andrea Ortega Bechara
Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, PhD
Richard Glenn Tedeschi, PhD
Everett Worthington, PhD
Stefano Vinaccia Alpi, PhD
Margaret Kern, PhD
Maria Elena Garassini, PhD


We are a group of young people who identify with the passion and work of the Science of Peace and Wellbeing.

Steven Zarian PhD(c)
Rachael Perlman
Diana Santamaria
Daniela Campos
Patricia Garcia


We are immensely grateful to all national and international media to recognize the importance of the Science for Peace Project for Colombia and the world.

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